Rules and regulations for activities within MuMa museum Milazzo Severaltypes of activities can be held within MuMa in addition to the events organized by the museum:
- conferences (scientific and other genera) - exhibits (photography, paintings, sculptures, etc) - concerts, recitals, etc. - educational workshops - any cultural activities related to the ideals of the museum
Requirements and Participating For those interested in holding an event or activity within MuMa please send a written request to the museum email: [email protected] indicating: details of the event/activity, CV (scientific/artistic), and date/time. The event and CV will be evaluated by the museum committee (scientific technical or artistic) and if approved MuMa will issue a written consensus to proceed with the paperwork required by the Municipality.
NOTE: events and activities must adhere to the ideals of the museum, they must be Plastic Free (no single use plastic during the event), and maintain the image of the museum.
FREE ENTRY Events and activities in the museum are free to the public, with prior authorization from the Municipality of Milazzo (which handles the tickets to enter the castle), however, donations are always appreciated to help sustain the museum:
Donating artwork or artefacts to the museum The museum accepts donations of artwork, scientific artefacts, handicrafts, or educational material as long as they are in line with the ideals of the museum and are relevant and artistically and culturally important. Those interested should send a written request by email with technical sheet and CV. Donations that are positively approved by the Scientific Artistic Committee will be included in the art collection of the museum.
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